Minority admissions plummet
Numbers point to dramatic effect of affirmative action ban
I chose this article because I am from Michigan and Affirmative Action was just voted on this last election period. It was something that my mother, my sister, and I talked about. It was a topic that kept coming up for my sister because she goes to college in Michigan and while she was in school speakers came to talk to the college about Affirmative Action. They had people that wanted her to vote against it and they had speakers that wanted her to vote for it. What the speakers said that argued against affirmative action was that it caused reverse discrimination. Some argued that they were not accepted into the University of Michigan because they were white and they had chosen a less qualified minority to fill the spot, while the speakers for affirmative action argued that Affirmative action would be good for the college because it made sure that the classrooms were diverse. I have to say that I agree with Affirmative Action. The reason that I say this is because it will provide diversity in the classroom. Its good to get other peoples point of view and way of thinking and one cannot hear others point of view if everyone is from the same race. I feel sad that this law was actually passed, but I am not shocked because I know how Michigan is. It says that the number of minority students that got accepted this year has declined by 16 percent. They also say that this is in line with California who also banned Affirmative Action in their schools. Michigan’s acceptance rate for minorities will still probably decline. Everyone does not come form the same background or get the same privileged and affirmative action makes sure that some people get a chance to come up in the world.
The website for the article is below